Foot pain in the heel is a common leg problem and disorders experienced during middle and old age. Our feet carry all human weight so that when we do activity in the heel area, with the heel bone (calcaneus - the largest bone in the leg), it often supports most of the weight. Approximately 80 percent of the stability of the foot is provided by the arc locking mechanism of the arch region when the foot absorbs body weight during walking or running. Plantar fascia and muscles, tendons, and ligaments provide another 20 percent.
Heel pain can be caused by various problems due to traumatic injury; for example, a sudden heel landing on a hard surface, or due to excessive injury. Plantar fasciitis, bruised heel, kalkaneal fracture and bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome and heel spur are some of the most common causes of foot pain in the heels. Other causes of pain The feet on the heels may be due to stress, fractures, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation, or cysts on rare occasions.
Painful swelling, due to irritation of the tissue band (plantar fascia) stretching from the heel to toes, is a condition known as plantar fasciitis. This disorder is relative to the wrong foot structure and overly pressed on the heel by using non-supportive footwear on hard and flat surfaces that place abnormal strain on the plantar fascia. Patients with heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis often describe increased pain over time, and become worse as they arise. Foot pain in the heel most often occurs when the foot is not active. There are non-surgical treatments for conditions such as: stretching exercises, avoiding walking barefoot, putting ice on affected heels, and shoes medicine. There is a small percentage of patients who have to undergo surgery on this pain, but in many cases, it responds to non-surgical treatment.
Foot pain in the heels greatly affects a person's performance and therefore can affect their lives. People who suffer from heel pain can not perform full and efficient day-to-day duties, which increases feelings of anxiety and stress. You may notice foot pain in the heels as a non-serious disorder at first, but over time, this pain can gradually lead to more serious conditions and illnesses.
Lifestyle plays a big role in people who have disorders such as foot pain in the heels. Because people tend to wear stylish footwear without considering the consequences for the feet, increased risk and the possibility of experiencing foot pain in the heel or other foot disorders may occur. Take, for example, flip-flops, heavy and hard fashion slippers, and even stilettos that jutted into the latest, pointed-out fashion. Most flip-flops do not support the foot arch or do not provide heel pads or shock absorption; fashionable pointy shoes pressing and pressing feet, and over time can lead to debilitating foot problems later on.
Advanced precautions such as wearing supportive shoes, massaging, and sufficient foot rest will help alleviate many foot problems, ranging from simple foot pain in the heels to more serious conditions. Healthy living is a well-spent life.
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